For investors and financial services professionals Kolortrak


Healthcare, Finance


AWS Cloud managed services, Cloud native development


AWS Lamdba, API Gateway, DynamoDB, ECS, AWS CDK, AWS Cognito, AWS Step Functions, ECR, EventBridge, S3, SNS, SQS, Amazon CloudFront, Amazon Route 53, RDS


A high-performance application providing financial advisors with unique tools to easily manage a large volume of investment funds, clients, and portfolios.

In order to meet the high technical requirements of the finance market, the Kolortrak team sought a partner capable of guiding them through a complete migration of their SaaS solution to a world-class provider such as AWS.

The expertise in Cloud Native application development, along with the experience gained by UnicornPowered on the AWS platform, were crucial elements in the decision-making process. UnicornPowered thus became an essential partner in establishing the development strategy for the Kolortrak platform and its migration to the Cloud.

38 344
Funds listed for processing
1 billions
Financial data analyzed every month


Kolortrak is an application that simplifies the evaluation and selection of investment funds for financial advisors in Canada.

The developed tools allow for the comparison of the performance and risk of funds with their peers. These funds can be filtered by category, sector, or family.

Another innovation of this solution is the intelligent management and enhancement of personalized portfolios. These portfolios are based on the risk profile of each type of investor, and the tools enable the analysis of performance, risk, and investment objectives.

The use of AWS has allowed the company to gain flexibility and responsiveness while reducing hosting and maintenance costs. The adoption of serverless solutions as Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon S3 has led to significant performance improvements.

As a result, the user experience has been greatly enhanced throughout Canada. Leveraging the computing power of AWS servers has enabled the addition of important features that were previously unthinkable on the old infrastructure.


"Thanks to UnicornPowered, we outperform our competitors not only in terms of features but also in technology. The UnicornPowered team never hesitates to propose new solutions. We are truly delighted and satisfied. "